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왕의재정영문판 -he King’s Finances 김미진 9791165041489

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왕의재정영문판 -he King’s Finances 김미진

서명 The Kings Finances부제 Changing the True Master of Your Life저자 Kim MiJin감수자 Hong SungGun역자 Haena Lee

출판사 KYUJANG쪽수 352발행일 20201118

판형 148 218가격 18,000

ISBN 979-11-6504-148-9-03230 바코드 979116504148903230

베스트셀러왕의 재정1의 영문판!




저자의말 중에서

Where, in What Form and to Whom

Does God Give His Riches?

Train to Live the Life of Faith Which Moves God’s Riches!

Only God Is My Master and Provider.

The True Master of My Life Is Not Money; It Is God and God Only!


It was in the very early hours of morning. I fell to my knees in surprise when I suddenly heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Get up and shine your light.” God called me before Him with the words of Isaiah 60.


He spoke to me, saying that He would start a revival in the church and among the nations. And He said that the key to this revival lay in “finances.” That morning, with that very special message, the Lord sought to lead me down a new path, away from the familiar one I was on. The new work the Lord spoke of that day was the work of making a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.


There are no roads in the wilderness or in the desert, making it impossible to determine which direction to take. There is no water in the wilderness or in the desert, making us thirst. There is no food in the wilderness or in the desert, making us hungry.


If you currently find yourselves in this situation, know that you have been admitted into the Lord’s best training school, the school of wilderness.


About the Author Kim MiJin


Born into a fourth-generation Christian family, Kim MiJin dedicated her life to the Lord Jesus Christ at a young age. She has gained recognition as a successful entrepreneur since her first step into the business world as a university student. She is currently serving to expand the Kingdom of God through her work as a dynamic teacher of the Word not just in Korea but also in numerous countries around the world.


Her lectures have been gifted a special power, captivating the hearts and leading those who listen to dedicate themselves to the Kingdom of God. Based on biblical financial principles and obedience training, Kim MiJin teaches us how to train to live “a life of faith,” “the life of a steward,” and “a life of simplicity.”


Her lectures are practical training courses to becoming a God-made holy rich person and a holy poor person, who on his or her own accord, chooses to live a life of poverty. Her lectures allow us to know with all our hearts, that God alone is the owner of all things as well as the provider of all things.


This book contains not only detailed training methods for the author’s lectures on finances but also provides real evidence for each step of faith she has taken throughout her life.


Currently, Kim MiJin is serving as NCMN President (Nations-Changer Movement & Network), raising up Nation-Changers, who are leading changes in all areas of society through the church. She is also serving as the superintendent of training and main lecturer at the King’s Finances School. She has also authored The King’s Finances Workbook, The King’s Finances , and The King’s Voice, published by Kyujang.



About the Editor Rev. Hong SungGun


Rev. Hong SungGun dedicated his life to Jesus Christ as a young man in his early teens. And ever since his life-changing experience with the Holy Spirit as an undergradute student, he has continued to decidate his life to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations. He received his undergraduate degree from Sogang University and his graduate degree from the Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary.


He served as President of YWAM Korea between 1986-2003, as the founder and superintendent of the University of the Nations in Jeju between 1996-2011, and also served as President of YWAM East Asia between 1995-2010. He’s currently serving as International President of NCMN, an organization he founded in October 2012.


Works he has authored include, The Book, The King’s Voice, Christian Civilization Reform Movement, The Word: Cover to Cover in 100 Days (Kyujang), The Man God Seeks, The Man After God’s Own Character, The Man Who Acts in the Holy Spirit, The Man Who Serves and Rules, The Man God Sends, and The Christian Man’s Spiritual Authority (YWAM).





Translated by Haena Lee


A third-generation Christian, Haena Lee received her bachelor’s degree from Grove City College, a Christian liberal arts college in Grove City, Pennsylvania. She attended the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea.


Editor’s Notes

Notes from the Author



Do Not Become a Slave to Wealth

But Rule Over Wealth

Train to Live a Life of Faith


The Seed Sweet Potato Dream

God as Our Debtor

The Homeless Ministry

The God Who Carries Out His Word

A Teary-Eyed Fourth-Generation Believer

Helping for Blessings’ Sake

Taking Money from the Kkongji

Your Very Bed Will Be Snatched from Under You

A Year’s Grace Period

Rice, Soy Sauce, and Tears

Two Families Under a Single Roof

The Unjust Steward

The Key to Calming the Squall

Starting Anew at Zero Percent Faith

God Gives Me a Second Chance

The Decision to Live by Faith

God Flows the Gimnyeong Seas to Me

The Case of DaEun’s Milk

Seafood Spaghetti and Gratin

The God of Sulwhasoo

Beginning My Obedience Training

From Tico to Mercedes (Obedience Training)

40 Boxes of Glasses (Training to Obey and Trust)

Three Types of Faiths

Tests, Trials, and Temptations

Faith That Is Pleasing to God김윤향

Lessons on Humility in the School of Wilderness

Across the River Jordan into the Promised Land



Do Not Treasure the Possession of Wealth

But Manage It Well

Train to Live the Life of a Steward


Where, in What Form and to Whom Does God Give His Riches?

The Little, Wealth, and Another’s Property (Obedience Training)

True Change in My Thinking

The Lord Entrusts Me with My First Lecture

The Three Right Attitudes toward Wealth

The Four Groups (the Holy Rich, the Holy Poor, the Worldly Rich, the Worldly Poor)

Eliminate Mammon

Eliminate the Worldly Rich Within

Eradicating the Ways of the Worldly Rich

The Four Cars That Were Dispatched as Slaves

The 10-Won Tuition That Rid Me of My Pride

Slave to 2.8 Million Won

Founding the King’s Finances School

The Primary Purpose of Why God Made Man

The Mammon-Made Rich The Worldly Rich

The God-Made Rich The Holy Rich

Set a Limit on Your Spending

Character Training for the Holy Rich 1: Humility

Character Training for the Holy Rich 2: Meekness

Character Training for the Holy Rich 3: Righteousness

Character Training for the Holy Rich 4: Diligence

Character Training for the Holy Rich 5: Loving God

The Beauty of the Holy Poor

The Life of the Holy Poor

A Unique Model for the Holy Poor The Apostle Paul

Meeting the Owner of a Former Contractor



Live a Life of the Tent

While Handling Wealth

Train to Live a Life of Simplicity


A Life of Simplicity

A Life of Self-Contentment


Good Soil! 30, 60, 100 Times

The Principle of Multiples in the Kingdom of God The Heavenly Bank

Saving in the Heavenly Bank 1 The Poor

The Cause of Sodom’s Demise

Saving in the Heavenly Bank 2 God’s People (The Holy Poor)

From Widow to Holy Rich: The Widow Who Provided for the Holy Poor Man, Elijah

They Are God’s People

Saving in the Heavenly Bank 3 God’s Kingdom Project

Mammon’s Strategy Meeting

Change Your Master

The Difference Between 0and 1

The Right Attitude to Pay Off Debt 1 Eating Just Kimchi with Rice

The Right Attitude to Pay Off Debt 2 The Broken Finger

God Did It

Answer to His Call of the Holy Rich

The Correct Attitude to Receive God’s Promise

A Life that Multiplies The Seeds to Sow

The Meaning of Tithing

God’s Supply Bread for Food

Engage in Spiritual Warfare

Finding God in the Employee Hiring Process


Final Word

How to Use The King’s Finances School Workbook 



  • 배송 방법 : 택배
  • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
  • 배송 비용 : ₩2,800
  • 배송 기간 : 1일 ~ 4일
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※ 고객님의 마음이 바뀌어 교환, 반품을 하실 경우 상품반송 비용은 고객님께서 부담하셔야 합니다.
  (색상 교환, 사이즈 교환 등 포함)



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